How to Make a Flower Lei

  It is made with love
It is always presented with smile, a kiss, and/or a hug ;)
It signifies that the wearer should be honored
You can make a lei out of any sturdy blossom, however, be careful not to use any flower or plant that is toxic or harmful. Make sure to bring a bag, basket, or something easy to carry so that you have something to store your flowers in. If you are harvesting from the branches of a tree, I recommend having someone with you as a safety precaution. Do not climb on weak branches and never aim for flowers that are dangerous to reach.dining room set ikea Also, try to be as delicate as possible when picking the flowers- you don't want to brake branches or injure the tree!! Finally, make sure to rinse the blossoms off carefully and thoroughly before use. This will ensure that you remove any insects or sap residue.
To make the example lei for this hub, I picked puakenikeni blossoms off of the tree in my backyard. In the late 1800s & early 1900s, puakenikeni lei were sold at the docks for a dime each. Hence, it is also known as the 'ten-cent flower.' These sweetly-scented blossoms display a variety off-white to golden-orange tones depending on their age. I also picked some leaves off of the hanging plant in my garden to add a hint of green to my lei. Mixing and matching different colors and materials (leaves, buds, etc.) helps to create a beautifully-unique design!Hawaiian Lei MakingAmazon Price: $5.56List Price: $13.95Silk Lei Set - necklace, headband, wristbandsAmazon Price: $ dining room furniture99You Will Need...
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